How To Get Your Own U.S. Phone Number Right Here in Nigeria

Fri, 17 May 2024
How to get a US number in Nigeria

Ever wished you could have a U.S. phone number even though you live in Nigeria? Whether it’s for business, keeping in touch with family across the pond, or feeling more connected to the States, it’s way easier than you might think.

Having a U.S. number isn’t just about the cool factor. It can open up a bunch of possibilities. Imagine making calls to the U.S. without worrying about crazy phone bills, shopping online at American stores without any hassle, or even using apps that usually only work for people in the U.S.

But that’s not all! A U.S. number can also boost your business, help you connect better with American clients, and even give you access to special tools and platforms. Plus, it’s handy for keeping your Nigerian number private or separating your work and personal life.

So, how do you get one of these magical U.S. numbers from Nigeria? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. This guide will explain the simplest, most straightforward ways to make it happen.


Why You’d Want a U.S. Number

Here are some down-to-earth reasons why a U.S. number might be perfect for you:

  • Stay Close to Loved Ones: Call your family and friends in the States without worrying about those expensive international rates.
  • Shop ‘Til You Drop: Unlock those U.S.-only online stores and snag the best deals.
  • Get App-y: Use apps that usually only work with U.S. numbers – think entertainment, productivity, whatever you need.


If you’re a business owner, a U.S. number can be a game-changer:

  • Look Like a Pro: Having a U.S. number makes your business seem bigger and more established, which is great for attracting new clients.
  • Build Trust with American Clients: A local number can make your business more approachable to people in the States.
  • Unlock Business Tools: Some online platforms and tools are only available to businesses with U.S. addresses and phone numbers.


And hey, even if you’re not using it for work, there are some sweet personal perks:

  • Dodge Spam: Keep those pesky spam calls and texts away from your main Nigerian number.
  • Work-life balance: Have a separate number for work so you can switch off when you’re not on the clock.
  • Just for Fun: Use your U.S. number for online games or social media accounts.


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The Easy (and Legit) Ways to Get Your U.S. Number

Now that you’re convinced a U.S. number is the way to go, let’s explore the two easiest ways to get one without ever leaving Nigeria.


1. Virtual Phone Number Apps (The No-Fuss Option)

Think of these apps as giving your phone a little taste of America. They let you pick a U.S. number that rings directly on your existing phone. No extra hardware is needed. It’s like having a secret identity for your phone!

Popular Virtual Phone Number Apps:

  • PressOne Africa: Shameless plug, but we’ve got you covered with affordable plans and awesome features tailored for Nigerians. 😉
  • Google Voice: A free option from Google that’s great for basic calls and texts.
  • Skype Number: This might be a good fit for you if you’re already a Skype user.



  • Super Easy Setup: Visit the website or download the app, pick a number, and you’re good to go.
  • Free Trials: Most apps offer a trial period so you can test the waters without committing.
  • Perfect for Casual Use: This is the simplest option if you need a U.S. number for occasional calls or online registrations.



  • Not Always Compatible: Some services might not work perfectly with virtual numbers.
  • Limited Features: Depending on the app, you might have restrictions on some features.


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2. International SIM Cards (For Frequent Travelers)

If you’re a jet-setter or need a super reliable connection to the U.S., an international SIM card might be the way to go. These are physical SIM cards that you pop into your phone, giving you a U.S. number and a calling/texting plan.


Providers in Nigeria:

You can find international SIM cards from providers like Glo, MTN, and Airtel.


  • Reliable Connection: These SIMs offer solid call and text quality, just like a regular U.S. line.
  • Frequent Traveler’s Friend: This is the most convenient option if you’re often in the U.S.



  • Pricier: These plans can be more expensive than virtual numbers.
  • SIM Swapping Hassle: You’ll need to switch your SIM card when you want to use your U.S. number.


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How to Pick the Right Option for YOU

Before you jump into anything, ask yourself these questions:

  • How often will you use the U.S. number? Daily, weekly, monthly, or just once in a while?
  • What will you use it for? Mainly calls, texts, or a mix of both?
  • What’s your budget? How much are you willing to spend on a U.S. number?


Quick Recommendation:

  • A virtual phone number app is probably the best choice if you’re just starting out or need a U.S. number for basic use. It’s easy, affordable, and you can see a free demo before committing.
  • An international SIM card might be worth the investment if you need a super reliable connection for calls and texts, especially if you travel to the U.S. frequently.

No matter your choice, getting a U.S. number in Nigeria is totally within reach.


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Step-by-Step Guide: How to Get a U.S. Number in Nigeria with PressOne Africa

We’re a little biased, but we truly believe PressOne Africa is the easiest and most reliable way for Nigerians to get a U.S. number. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:


  1. Visit the pricing page on the website and click on ‘Buy now’ under the international plan.
  2. The button will take you to a signup page. Fill in your details and business details accordingly.
  3. Click on the ‘I would like to get an international number’ toggle.
  4. After you fill in your details, a suitable plan will be recommended. To make a payment, click on Subscribe to plan.
  5. Upon payment, you will be redirected to sign in to authenticate your account. An OTP will then be sent to your registered number.
  6. After you sign in, you will be given a list of numbers from which to select.
  7. Complete your setup, and you will be good to go.


How To Get A US number In Nigeria


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Conclusion On How to Get a U.S. Number in Nigeria

A U.S. phone number opens up many opportunities, from connecting with loved ones overseas to expanding your business horizons. It’s more accessible than you might think, and the benefits are worth it.

Don’t let distance hold you back! Try one of these methods and see how a U.S. number can make your life easier and more connected.

If you’re looking for a reliable, affordable, and feature-packed solution, we invite you to try PressOne Africa. We’re dedicated to helping Nigerians stay connected globally, and our U.S. number service is just one way we’re doing that.

Ready to experience the difference? Sign up for a free demo and see how PressOne Africa can transform your communication experience.


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