PressOne + Zapier: Connect your business
phone system to 7,000+ apps

Improve how you work and interact with customers with automated workflows.

Connect your sales, support, project management, and business tools with your business phone system for a seamless workflow so you can get more done in little time.

Stay Top of Customers Mind,
Save Your Team's Time

Stay Top of Customers Mind, Save Your Team's Time

Prompt Follow Ups for Sales Conversion and Support

Trigger automated follow up actions easily. Send personalized follow up emails and schedule call backs easily based on data from your business phone number. Reach customers faster, and follow up without delays.

Endless integrations and data sync

Combine the capabilities of PressOne business phone system with over 7,000 business apps through Zapier integration. Your call logs, call notes and recordings from your PressOne dashboard are updated on all platforms immediately, in realtime.

Custom workflows, personalized customer experience

Easily enhance customer experience with your Pressone X Zapier integration. Create personalized responsesbased on actions taken during the course when engaging with customers. E.g. Send a feedback survey once calls with customers end.

Free up time for what matters

Automate repetitive tasks, eliminate manual data syncing. Integrating PressOne with your existing project management tools makes task assignment, collaboration and management easier for you, ‌and saves your team hours of work so they can focus on what matters most.

Connect to all the business and work tools you rely on

Integrate your Zapier account with PressOne and transform the way you manage customer interactions and team activities.

Primary Content
Secondary Content

Do more with PressOne x Zapier

Here’s what you can do with your Zapier integration.

Call Created: Send a text message to a team member notifying them of a new incoming call.

Answered Call: Automatically create a new contact in Zapier with information from the call.

Call Forward: Update Zapier with the new phone number the call was forwarded to.

Call Created: Send a text message to a team member notifying them of a new incoming call.

Contacts: Create new contacts in your CRM based on incoming calls.

Hangup: Record the call duration and outcome in your CRM.

Call Created: Send a text message to a team member notifying them of a new incoming call.

Missed Call: Send a follow-up email or text message to the caller.

Ongoing Call: Update the call status in your CRM to "in progress."

Setting Up: PressOne X Zapier

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Zapier

Zapier is a popular automation tool that connects over 5,000 apps and services. With PressOne’s Zapier integration, you can automate customer communication and management tasks, creating contacts, and more, directly from your PressOne account.

Setting up a Zapier integration is simple. You’ll need a PressOne account and a Zapier account. Follow the steps outlined above in the setup section to connect the two platforms and create your desired automations.

Yes, you need a PressOne business number to integrate with Zapier

Yes, charges apply for integrations

You can access Zapier from your PressOne integrations page which has other integrations like FreshDesk, Zoho, PipeDrive and Intercom

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